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Home Remedies for Parasites - By Dr Berg - a US Chiropractor and blogger specialising in natural health and nutrition.
If you think you may have parasites, you may be interested in some all-natural remedies for parasites. In this article, I'm going to share some of my absolute favorite home remedies for parasites, which are fantastic for parasite cleanses.

Keep in mind that parasites are very common. They don't always present severe symptoms, and they can often go unnoticed for years. So even if you're not sure if you have parasites, and you're eating healthy but still feeling sick it can be a good idea to go ahead and go on a parasite cleanse to make sure you're in the clear.
When you cleanse your body of parasites, chances are you'll feel a lot better. Gut health is extremely important for overall health and well-being.

The first step is making sure you do not have toxic poop. When your gut is healthy you are healthy. You may notice that your energy levels are restored and that your health improves.
You might even feel like a brand new you—especially if you have started to notice symptoms.

Signs you may have parasites
Here are some signs you can look out for when it comes to parasites:
Blood in your stool - parasites can irritate the intestines, which then causes small amounts of blood in your stool. Always seek medical attention for large amounts of blood in your stool.

Itching in and around the anus - some parasites lay eggs around the anus which can cause itching and irritation. This is especially common with young children.

Your abdomen is distended - a distended abdomen may be a sign of worm growth in the intestines, which often causes bloating.

Fatigue - parasites can disrupt the health of your body and, in turn, cause long-lasting fatigue and reduced energy levels.

Sinus issues - parasites can stimulate inflammation in the sinuses, which can cause sinus issues and frequent sneezing.

Cravings - when parasites feed off the body, they can influence your cravings. You may notice your body craving certain foods that feed parasites, especially milk products and sugar.

Moodiness - parasites can contribute to Fat Storing Hormone resistance and blood sugar problems, which significantly affects your mood and state of mind.

Rashes - some parasites affect the skin or even live in the skin, which can cause rash-like symptoms.

Constant hunger - worm parasites can use up a large portion of the food you consume. This can leave you feeling hungry all of the time.

Keep in mind that not all of these symptoms mean you have a parasite without a shadow of a doubt, but they can be an indicator that you've got a parasite problem.
If you do have one or more of the symptoms, it may be time to do a parasite cleanse.

Parasite infection under a microscope | The Best Home Remedies for Parasites
What are parasites?

Parasites are organisms that live inside or on other organisms, which are called hosts. Without a host, parasites cannot live, grow, or reproduce. They need a host's resources to power their lifecycle. They thrive at the expense of the host's health, though they typically don't cause deadly harm to their hosts right away because they need them to survive and reproduce.

There are some parasites that are especially common in animals yet aren't common in humans. For instance, dogs are highly susceptible to heartworm infections, and these parasites can have a deadly effect.

The good news is that humans are highly uncommon hosts for heartworms because the body naturally kills off heartworm larvae before they have a chance to develop fully. Less than 100 cases of heartworms have been found in humans since the 1940s.

There are many different types of parasites that can affect humans, and they can pass on diseases, including trichomoniasis and malaria. Parasites vary greatly in look and size. The majority (around 70%) are not able to be seen by the human eye. However, some can also grow to be over 30 meters in length.

Roundworm intestinal parasites on table | The Best Home Remedies for Parasites
Types of human parasites

Parasites are broken up into two larger groups: ectoparasites and endoparasites. Ectoparasites are parasites that live on the skin. Endoparasites are parasites that live inside the body, which include intestinal parasites such as roundworms. We're primarily talking about intestinal parasites here.

Although fleas and ticks are considered parasites, they are easy to avoid with insect repellants, so they aren't a significant problem for most people. We're also not going to talk about natural remedies for animal-specific parasites. I'm only going to talk to you about home remedies for parasites in humans.

Here are some of the most common parasites you might have lurking in your body:
• Pinworms. A pinworm—also known as a threadworm—is a type of roundworm. Pinworm infections are the most common type of roundworm infection in the US, and they typically affect young children. The symptoms of pinworm infection include pain, rash, intense itching, and general discomfort of the anal area.

• Hookworms. This parasite is also highly common. More than 700,000 people are infected with hookworm around the world. The larvae actually get into the body by penetrating the skin. Hookworms then use their teeth to burrow into your intestinal wall and feed on your blood. This parasite is known for sapping your strength and overall reducing your vitality and well-being. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, distended abdomen, loss of appetite, iron deficiency, protein deficiency, irritated skin, and even cardiac issues.

• Scabies. This is a type of skin infection caused by a mite that burrows into the skin. The mite reproduces on top of your skin, then burrows into the skin to lay eggs. There are more than 200,000 cases of scabies every year. Symptoms of scabies include red, itchy, and dry areas on the skin.

• Tapeworm. You've probably heard of tapeworm parasite infections. These are a tape measure-shaped worm that lives in the intestines and throws off your digestive tract. They can grow up to 35 feet long and live in the human body for 25 years.

Many people with tapeworms have no symptoms at all. However, those with severe worm infestations you may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, changes in appetite, malnutrition, weight loss, and general weakness.

• Trypanosoma cruzi. The parasite Trypanosoma cruzi causes a potentially fatal condition called Chagas disease. This parasitic infection is most often caused by food contaminated with the feces of a bug most commonly called the kissing bug or the assassin bug.
The symptoms include pain in the abdomen and surrounding muscles, swelling around the eyes, skin rashes, and heart palpitations. In severe cases where the disease is left untreated, Chagas disease can cause congestive heart failure.

• Plasmodium. Though very rare in the US, Plasmodium is a potentially life-threatening parasite that causes malaria. It's commonly found in Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America.
This parasite is transmitted from person to person by mosquito bites. Malaria can cause chills, fever, sweating, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, jaundice, and a fast heart rate. This parasitic infection is preventable using antimalarial drugs before, during, and after traveling to areas where this parasite is commonly found.

• Head lice. Chances are, you or someone you know has had a head lice infestation. This parasite infestation is especially common with school children. Though there aren't any severe symptoms of head lice, they cause itchiness and bumps on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. This is very treatable using home remedies and is easy to diagnose without the help of a medical doctor.

Who's at risk for parasitic infections?
Anyone, no matter how healthy, can become infected with parasites. But there are certain things that can put you at a higher risk for an infection, including:

  Not washing your hands after using the restroom, changing diapers, shaking hands, handling animals, or touching raw meats.

  Working in environments where you come in contact with feces (i.e., childcare, gardening, animal care)

  Consuming uncooked foods and beverages that may be contaminated (even raw fruits and veggies need to be thoroughly washed with clean water before eating)

  If you have a compromised immune system or if you are already sick with another illness

  Swimming in freshwater lakes, rivers, and ponds—especially those with warm water.

  Living in or traveling to regions where parasite infections are common

  Touching your face or mouth frequently (nervous habits: nail-biting, lip pulling)

  Living with animals that are infected (cats and dogs are commonly infected with parasites)

  Walking barefoot in parasite-infected soil

  Unprotected sex with someone who has a parasitic infection

 How are parasites diagnosed and treated?
There are numerous ways to diagnose a parasitic infection. Your doctor may check for intestinal worms in the digestive tract by collecting a fecal sample to look for worms, larvae, and eggs. They may also perform blood tests, endoscopies, colonoscopies, X-rays, MRIs, or CAT scans to check for parasites or any damage caused by them.

After being diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe a prescription antiparasitic medication or recommend an over-the-counter option. While prescription drugs can help you become worm-free, there are side effects to keep your eye out for including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and abdominal pain.

Clove spice and essential oil on table | The Best Home Remedies for Parasites
Home remedies for parasites

Some people recommend remedies such as pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, coffee enemas, food-grade diatomaceous earth, coconut oil, and raw garlic. These remedies are fine, and they may or may not work for you. But the three anti-parasite remedies I recommend are extremely effective, much easier to use and have few known side effects. Most of all, they are completely natural and non-toxic. Take a look.

1. Wormwood
Wormwood is an exceptionally powerful herb for combating intestinal worms. It acts as an antiparasitic by weakening intestinal parasite membranes with compounds called sesquiterpene lactones. To top it off, this powerhouse herb helps boost the immune system with its anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. I don't recommend getting wormwood extract in an alcohol base because the alcohol content can sometimes throw off the liver. Instead, get it in a tablet or capsule form.

2. Black walnut hulls
For thousands of years, black walnuts have been used as a remedy for a wide range of health conditions. They are just as useful today. Black walnut hulls have a compound called juglone. Juglone acts as a natural anti-parasitic that causes a wide variety of worms in the digestive system to die off. Black walnut hulls are also a great source of beta-carotene and vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system so your body can get rid of intestinal parasites naturally.

3. Clove
Clove contains two potent agents: eugenol and caryophyllene. These two agents have the ability to travel through your bloodstream and kill off microscopic parasites, larvae, and eggs. Clove essential oil is also an excellent anti-parasitic for skin parasites, including scabies and head lice. Simply mix it in coconut oil and apply. This is one of the best natural ways to get rid of parasites.
Give them a try
You can use these home remedies separately, but they tend to work far better when combined. In fact, you can find many herbal supplement products that combine these three ingredients. If you want the best possible results, try using these natural deworming remedies on an empty stomach.

Reducing dilution with food will help with the potency and prevent the parasites from continuing to feed.
On top of these three natural remedies, I strongly recommend doing keto and intermittent fasting. Why? Because parasites feed off of the sugar that you consume.

You have to go sugar-free, dairy-free, and grain-free if you're going on a serious parasite cleanse. Sugar, dairy, and carbs support parasite growth and reproduction, and the keto diet helps by keeping you away from these things.

Give these remedies a try and see if they work for you.


parasites human
parasitic-worms in human

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