Categories for the Physiotherapy Frequency Imbalance Report are listed below.
Below the Categories you will see the various elements within each Category. All of these listed elements are scanned in each session.
There are three comprehensive reports available -
1. Body Chemistry Frequency Imbalance Report
2. Physiotherapy Frequency Imbalance Report - this page
3. Medical Body Organ Frequency Imbalance Report
See more here - Frequency Imbalance Reports
IMPORTANT: It's important to note that while the Body Frequency Analyser Scan is a promising integrated technology in early detection of frequency imbalances, it should not be used as a standalone diagnostic tool. The Body Frequency Analyser Scan should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools and medical evaluations by a qualified healthcare professional. The information provided by the Body Frequency Analyser Scan should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It's always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for any health concerns or questions.
For Physiotherapists
Connective Tissue Hip
Connective Tissue Left Elbow
Connective Tissue Left Foot
Connective Tissue Left Hand
Connective Tissue Left Knee
Connective Tissue Left Shoulder
Connective Tissue Right Elbow
Connective Tissue Right Foot
Connective Tissue Right Hand
Connective Tissue Right Knee
Connective Tissue Right Shoulder
Connective Tissue Spine
Muscles Arm Left
Muscles Arm Right
Muscles Head Left
Muscles Head Right
Muscles Hips
Muscles Leg Left
Muscles Leg Right
Muscles Neck Left
Muscles Neck Right
Muscles Torso
Nerves Arm Left
Nerves Arm Right
Nerves Brain
Nerves Head
Nerves Leg Left
Nerves Leg Right
Nerves Lower Body
Nerves Upper Body
Skeleton Arms
Skeleton Foot Left
Skeleton Foot Right
Skeleton Hand Left
Skeleton Hand Right
Skeleton Legs
Skeleton Pelvis Sacrum
Skeleton Ribs
Skeleton Skull
Skeleton Teeth
Skeleton Vertebra
Connective Tissue Hip
R Iliolumbar Ligament
R Inguinal Ligament
R Sacroiliac Ligament
R Sacrotuberous Ligament Connective
R Sacrospinous Ligament
R Anterior Sacrococcygeal Ligament
R Lateral Sacrococcygeal Ligament
R Ishiofemoral Ligament
R Round Ligament
R Acetubular Labrum
R Transverse Acetabular Ligament
R Iliofemoral Ligament
R Zona Orbicularis
R Pubofemoral Ligament
R Obturator Membrane
L Inguinal Ligament
L Sacroiliac Ligament
L Sacrotuberous Ligament Connective
L Iliolumbar Ligament
L Sacrospinous Ligament
L Lateral Sacrococcygeal Ligament
L Ishiofemoral Ligament
L Acetubular Labrum
L Round Ligament
L Anterior Sacrococcygeal Ligament
L Transverse Acetabular Ligament
L Iliofemoral Ligament
L Zona Orbicularis
L Pubofemoral Ligament
L Obturator Membrane
Connective Tissue Left Elbow
L Olecranon Bursa
L Ulnar Collateral Ligament Anterior
L Ulnar Collateral Ligament Intermediate
L Ulnar Collateral Ligament Posterior
L Elbow Capsule
L Posterior Radiocollateral Ligament
L Anterior Radiocollateral Ligament
L Annular Ligament
L Oblique Cord
Connective Tissue Left Foot
L Posterior Talofibular Ligament
L Superior Extensor Retinaculum
L Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament
L Posterior Tibiofibular Ligament
L Anterior Talofibular Ligament
L Anterior Tibiotalar Ligament
L Dorsal Talonavicular Ligament
L Medial Talocalcaneal Ligament
L Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament
L Posterior Talocalcaneal Ligament
L Superior Peroneal Retinaculum
L Dorsal Metatarsal Ligament 1
L Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 4
L Dorsal Metatarsal Ligament 3
L Plantar Ligament Plate 5
L Plantar Ligament Plate 3
L Plantar Ligament Plate 4
L Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 4
L Distal Joint Capsule Foot 1
L Distal Joint Capsule Foot 2
L Lateral Talocalcaneal Ligament
L Inferior Peroneal Retinaculum
L Dorsal Calcaneocuboid Ligament
L Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 4
L Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 3
L Plantar Cuboideonavicular Ligament
L Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 3
L Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 1
L Long Plantar Ligament
L Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 5
L Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 2
L Plantar Fascia
L Distal Joint Capsule Foot 3
L Distal Joint Capsule Foot 5
L Distal Joint Capsule Foot 4
L Dorsal Intercuneiform Ligament1
L Dorsal Intercuneiform Ligament 2
L Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 1
L Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 4
L Short Plantar Ligament
L Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 3
L Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 4
L Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 5
L Calcaneofibular Ligament
L Inferior Extensor Retinaculum
L Flexor Retinaculum Foot
L Tibeonavicular Ligament
L Tibiocalcaneal Ligament
L Bifurcate Ligament
L Posterior Tibiotalar Ligament
L Dorsal Cuboideonavicular Ligament
L Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 2
L Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 1
L Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 2
L Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 1
L Dorsal Metatarsal Ligament 2
L Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 3
L Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 1
L Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 2
L Plantar Ligament Plate 1
L Plantar Ligament Plate 2
L Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 2
L Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 3
Connective Tissue Left Hand
L Articular Disc
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 1
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 7
L Interosseous Intercarpal Ligament 1
L Ulnocarpal Ligament 1
L Ulnocarpal Ligament 2
L Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligament
L Interosseous Intercarpal Ligament 2
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 5
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 3
L Medial Pisotriquetrar Ligament
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 11
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 2
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 12
L Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 5
L Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 3
L Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 4
L Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 2
L Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 3
L Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 1
L Radioscaphocapitate Ligament
L Radialarcuate Ligament
L Palmar Ulnolate Ligament
L Radioscapholunate Ligament
L Scaphotrapezial Ligament 2
L Scaphotrapezial Ligament 3
L Capitotrapezial Ligament
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 3
L Ulnar Arcuate Ligament
L Capitohamate Ligament
L Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 6
L Scaphotrapezial Ligament 1
L Distal Joint Capsule Arm 1
L Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 2
L Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament 3
L Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament 1
L Medial Joint Capsule Arm 3
L Medial Joint Capsule Arm 5
L Distal Joint Capsule Arm 5
L Retinaculum
L Radiolunate Ligament 1
L Thumb Capsule
L Trapeziometacarpal Ligament
L Radial Collateralcarpal Ligament
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 9
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 7
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 13
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 14
L Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 1
L Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 4
L Pisohamate Ligament
L Pisometacarpal Ligament
L Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament 2
L Medial Joint Capsule Arm 2
L Distal Joint Capsule Arm 2
L Medial Joint Capsule Arm 4
L Distal Joint Capsule Arm 3
L Distal Joint Capsule Arm 4
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 8
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 10
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 2
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 9
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 6
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 4
L Dorsal Radioulnar Ligament 1
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 4
L Dorsal Radioulnar Ligament 2
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 5
L Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 1
L Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 6
L Radiolunate Ligament 2
L Volar Radioulnar Ligament
L Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 1
L Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 2
L Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 3
L Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 4
L Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 5
Connective Tissue Left Knee
L Medial Gastrocnemius Bursa
L Oblique Popliteal Ligament
L Posterior Cruciate Ligament
L Anterior Cruciate Ligament
L Semimembranosus Bursa
L Medial Meniscus
L Tibial Collateral Ligament
L Transverse Ligament
L Anserine Bursa
L Deep Infrapatellar Bursa
L Knee Joint Capsule
L Lateral Gastrocnemius Bursa
L Subcutaneous Prepatellar Bursa
L Iliotibial Tract Bursa
L Arcuate Popliteal Ligament
L Biceps Femoris Bursa
L Lateral Meniscus
L Fibular Collateral Ligament
L Fibular Collateral Bursa
L Fibular Ligament
L Lateral Patellar Ligament
L Medial Patellar Ligament
Connective Tissue Left Shoulder
L Conoid Ligament
L Subdeltoid Bursa
L Coracoclavicular Bursa
L Infraspinatus Bursa
L Acromioclavicular Ligament
L Coracohumeral Ligament
L Coracoacromial Ligament
L Trapezoid Ligament
L Superior Transverse Ligament
L Capsular Ligament
L Subscapular Bursa
L Transverse Humeral Ligament
L Supra Acromion Bursa
L Inferior Coracoid Bursa
L Intertubercular Tendon Sheath
L Glenoid Labrum
L Superior Glenohumeral Ligament
L Middle Glenohumeral Ligament
L Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament
Connective Tissue Right Elbow
R Olecranon Bursa
R Posterior Radiocollateral Ligament
R Anterior Radiocollateral Ligament
R Annular Ligament
R Oblique Cord
R Elbow Capsule
R Ulnar Collateral Ligament Anterior
R Ulnar Collateral Ligament Intermediate
R Ulnar Collateral Ligament Posterior
Connective Tissue Right Foot
R Posterior Talofibular Ligament
R Superior Extensor Retinaculum
R Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament
R Posterior Tibiofibular Ligament
R Anterior Talofibular Ligament
R Anterior Tibiotalar Ligament
R Dorsal Talonavicular Ligament
R Medial Talocalcaneal Ligament
R Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament
R Posterior Talocalcaneal Ligament
R Superior Peroneal Retinaculum
R Dorsal Metatarsal Ligament 1
R Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 4
R Dorsal Metatarsal Ligament 3
R Plantar Ligament Plate 5
R Plantar Ligament Plate 3
R Plantar Ligament Plate 4
R Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 4
R Distal Joint Capsule Foot 1
R Distal Joint Capsule Foot 2
R Dorsal Intercuneiform Ligament 2
R Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 1
R Dorsal Intercuneiform Ligament 1
R Short Plantar Ligament
R Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 4
R Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 1
R Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 3
R Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 4
R Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 5
R Lateral Talocalcaneal Ligament
R Inferior Peroneal Retinaculum
R Dorsal Calcaneocuboid Ligament
R Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 4
R Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 3
R Plantar Cuboideonavicular Ligament
R Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 3
R Long Plantar Ligament
R Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 5
R Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 2
R Plantar Fascia
R Distal Joint Capsule Foot 3
R Distal Joint Capsule Foot 5
R Distal Joint Capsule Foot 4
R Calcaneofibular Ligament
R Inferior Extensor Retinaculum
R Flexor Retinaculum Foot
R Tibeonavicular Ligament
R Tibiocalcaneal Ligament
R Bifurcate Ligament
R Posterior Tibiotalar Ligament
R Dorsal Cuboideonavicular Ligament
R Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 2
R Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament 1
R Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligament 2
R Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 1
R Dorsal Metatarsal Ligament 2
R Plantar Metatarsal Ligament 3
R Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 1
R Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament 2
R Plantar Ligament Plate 1
R Plantar Ligament Plate 2
R Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 2
R Proximal Joint Capsule Foot 3
Connective Tissue Right Hand
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 8
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 10
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 2
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 9
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 6
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 4
R Dorsal Radioulnar Ligament 1
R Dorsal Radioulnar Ligament 4
R Dorsal Radioulnar Ligament 2
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 5
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 1
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 6
R Radiolunate Ligament 2
R Volar Radioulnar Ligament
R Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 1
R Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 2
R Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 3
R Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 4
R Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 5
R Retinaculum
R Radiolunate Ligament 1
R Thumb Capsule
R Trapeziometacarpal Ligament
R Radial Collateralcarpal Ligament
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 9
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 7
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 13
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 14
R Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 1
R Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 4
R Pisohamate Ligament
R Pisometacarpal Ligament
R Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament 2
R Medial Joint Capsule Arm 2
R Distal Joint Capsule Arm 2
R Medial Joint Capsule Arm 4
R Distal Joint Capsule Arm 3
R Distal Joint Capsule Arm 4
R Radioscaphocapitate Ligament
R Radialarcuate Ligament
R Palmar Ulnolunate Ligament
R Radioscapholunate Ligament
R Scaphotrapezial Ligament 2
R Scaphotrapezial Ligament 3
R Capitotrapezial Ligament
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 3
R Ulnar Arcuate Ligament
R Capitohamate Ligament
R Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 6
R Scaphotrapezial Ligament 1
R Distal Joint Capsule Arm 1
R Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 2
R Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament 3
R Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament 1
R Medial Joint Capsule Arm 3
R Medial Joint Capsule Arm 5
R Distal Joint Capsule Arm 5
R Articular Disc
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 1
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 7
R Interosseous Intercarpal Ligament 1
R Ulnocarpal Ligament 1
R Ulnocarpal Ligament 2
R Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligament
R Interosseous Intercarpal Ligament 2
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 5
R Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament 3
R Medial Pisotriquetrar Ligament
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 11
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 2
R Dorsal Carpometacarpal Ligament 12
R Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 5
R Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 3
R Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 4
R Palmar Metacarpal Ligament 2
R Palmar Carpometacarpal Ligament 3
R Proximal Joint Capsule Arm 1
Connective Tissue Right Knee
R Lateral Gastrocnemius Bursa
R Subcutaneous Prepatellar Bursa
R Iliotibial Tract Bursa
R Arcuate Popliteal Ligament
R Biceps Femoris Bursa
R Lateral Meniscus
R Fibular Collateral Ligament
R Fibular Collateral Bursa
R Fibular Ligament
R Lateral Patellar Ligament
R Medial Patellar Ligament
R Medial Gastrocnemius Bursa
R Oblique Popliteal Ligament
R Posterior Cruciate Ligament
R Anterior Cruciate Ligament
R Semimembranosus Bursa
R Medial Meniscus
R Tibial Collateral Ligament
R Transverse Ligament
R Anserine Bursa
R Deep Infrapatellar Bursa
R Knee Joint Capsule
Connective Tissue Right Shoulder
R Transverse Humeral Ligament
R Supra Acromion Bursa
R Inferior Coracoid Bursa
R Intertubercular Tendon Sheath
R Glenoid Labrum
R Superior Glenohumeral Ligament
R Middle Glenohumeral Ligament
R Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament
R Concoid Ligament
R Subdeltoid Bursa
R Coracoclavicular Bursa
R Infraspinatus Bursa
R Acromioclavicular Ligament
R Coracohumeral Ligament
R Coracoacromial Ligament
R Trapezoid Ligament
R Superior Transverse Ligament
R Capsular Ligament
R Subscapular Bursa
Connective Tissue Spine
Anterior Atlanto Occipital Membrane
Supraspinous Ligament
Alar Ligament
Nuchal Ligament
R Intertransverse Ligaments
Tectorial membrane of atlanto axial joint
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
Posterior Atlanto Occipital Membrane
Transverse ligament of Atlas
Interspinous Ligaments
L Intertransverse Ligaments
Ligamenta Flava
Muscles Arm Left
L Brachioradialis
L Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
L Bicipital Aponeurosis
L Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
L Pronator Teres
L Abductor Pollicis Longus
L Triceps Long Head
L Anconeous
L Triceps Tendon Medial Head
L Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
L Extensor Pollicis Brevis
L Dorsal Interosseous 4a
L Flexor Digitorum Profundus
L Extensor Indicis
L Dorsal Interosseous 2a
L Dorsal Interosseous
L Palmar Interosseous 1
L Lumbrical 1
L Lumbrical 2
L Palmaris Brevis
L Opponens Pollicis
L Adductor Pollicis
L Palmar Interosseous 3
L Opponens Digiti Minimi
L Lumbrical 3
L Dorsal Interosseous 2b
L Supinator
L Flexor Carpi Radialis
L Flexor Pollicis Brevis
L Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Hand
L Abductor Pollicis Brevis
L Palmaris Longus
L Palmar Interosseous 2
L Lumbrical 4
L Deltoid
L Biceps Brachii Long Head
L Brachialis
L Biceps Brachii Short Head
L Triceps Medial Head
L Triceps Lateral Head
L Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
L Flexor Pollicis Longus
L Extensor Digiti Minimi
L Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
L Extensor Digitorum
L Extensor Pollicis Longus
L Dorsal Interosseous 3b
L Dorsal Interosseous 4b
L Dorsal Interosseous 3a
L Interosseous Membrane
L Pronator Quadratus
L Flexor Retinaculum Arm
L Abductor Digit Minimi Hand
Muscles Arm Right
R Brachioradialis
R Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
R Bicipital Aponeurosis
R Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
R Pronator Teres
R Abductor Pollicis Longus
R Triceps Long Head
R Anconeous
R Triceps Tendon Medial Head
R Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
R Extensor Pollicis Brevis
R Dorsal Interosseous 4a
R Flexor Digitorum Profundus
R Extensor Indicis
R Dorsal Interosseous 2a
R Dorsal Interosseous
R Palmar Interosseous 1
R Lumbrical 1
R Lumbrical 2
R Supinator
R Opponens Pollicis
R Adductor Pollicis
R Palmaris Longus
R Opponens Digiti Minimi
R Lumbrical 3
R Dorsal Interosseous 2b
R Flexor Carpi Radialis
R Palmaris Brevis
R Flexor Pollicis Brevis
R Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Hand
R Abductor Pollicis Brevis
R Palmar Interosseous 3
R Palmar Interosseous 2
R Lumbrical 4
R Deltoid
R Biceps Brachii Long Head
R Brachialis
R Biceps Brachii Short Head
R Triceps Medial Head
R Triceps Lateral Head
R Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
R Flexor Pollicis Longus
R Extensor Digiti Minimi
R Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
R Extensor Digitorum
R Extensor Pollicis Longus
R Dorsal Interosseous 3b
R Dorsal Interosseous 4b
R Dorsal Interosseous 3a
R Interosseous Membrane
R Pronator Quadratus
R Flexor Retinaculum Arm
R Abductor Digiti Minimi Hand
Muscles Head Left
L Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
L Corrugator Supercilii
L Auricularis Anterior
L Levator Labii Superioris
L Depressor Supercilii
L Trochlea
L Inferior Oblique
L Orbicularis Oculi
L Nasalis Alar
L Zygomaticus Minor
L Masseter Superior
L Masseter Deep
L Medical Pterygoid Muscle
L Levator Veli Palatini
L Mentalis
L Stylohyoid
L Digastric
L Stylopharyngeous
F Fibrous Loop
L Temporalis
L Auricularis Superior
L Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
L Zygomaticus Major
L Levator Palpebrae
L Superior Rectus
L Inferior Rectus
L Common Tendinous Ring
L Lateral Rectus
L Medial Rectus
L Superior Oblique
L Auricularis Posterior
L Levator Anguli Oris
L Risorius
L Buccinator
L Depressor Labii Inferioris
L Depressor Anguli Oris
L Thyrohyoid
Muscles Head Right
R Temporalis
R Auricularis Superior
R Auricularis Posterior
R Auricularis Anterior
R Stylohyoid
R Common Tendinous Ring
R Inferior Oblique
R Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
R Levator Palpebrae
R Inferior Rectus
Superior Constrictor
R Lateral Rectus
R Superior Oblique
Uvula muscle
R Levator Veli Palatini
Medial Constrictor
R Digastric
R Stylopharyngeous
R Fibrous Loop
R Zygomaticus Minor
R Masseter Deep
R Masseter Superior
R Medial Pterygoid Muscle
R Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
R Levator Labii Superioris
R Zygomaticus Major
R Risorius
R Thyrohyoid
R Depressor Supercilii
R Corrugator Supercilii
R Orbicularis Oculi
R Nasalis Alar
R Trochlea
R Superior Rectus
Palatine Aponeurosis
Nasalis Transverse
Depressor Septi Nasi
Orbicularis Oris
Nasal Cartilage
R Mentalis
R Buccinator
R Depressor Labii Inferioris
R Levator Anguli Oris
R Depressor Anguli Oris
Muscles Hips
R Psoas Major
R Psoas Minor
R Superior Gemellus
R Iliacus
R Gluteus Medius
R Obturator Internus
R Quadratus Femoris
R Pubococcygeus
R Piriformis
R Gluteus Minimus
R Inferior Gemellus
R Gluteus Maximus
R Puborectalis
R Obturator Externus
L Psoas Minor
L Psoas Major
L Gluteus Medius
L Iliacus
L Gluteus Minimus
L Piriformis
L Gluteus Maximus
L Superior Gemellus
L Pubococcygeus
L Obturator Internus
L Quadratus Femoris
L Inferior Gemellus
L Obturator Externus
Muscles Leg Left
L Iliotibial Band Tensor Fascia Lata
L Adductor Longus
L Rectus Femoris
L Sartorius
L Gracilis
L Gastrocnemius Medial Head
L Soleus
L Gastrocnemius Lateral Head
L Flexor Digitorum Longus
L Quardratus Plantae
L Abductor Digiti Minimi Foot
L Semimembranosus
L Popliteus
L Abductor Hallucis
L Flexor Hallucis Longus
L Lumbrical
L Flexor Hallucis Brevis
L Interosseous Membrane Leg
L Tibialis Anterior
L Extensor Hallucis Longus
L Extensor Hallucis Brevis
L Extensor Digitorum Longus
L Peroneus Tertius
L Extensor Digitorum Brevis
L Interosseous Dorsal
L Vastus Lateralis
L Vastus Intermedius
L Vastus Medialis
L Pectineus
L Adductor Brevis
L Patellar Ligament
L Adductor Magnus
L Tibialis Posterior
L Semitendinosus
L Plantaris
L Biceps Femoris Long Head
L Peroneus Brevis
L Biceps Femoris Short Head
L Calcaneal Achilles Tendon
L Flexor Digitorum Brevis
L Peroneus Longus
L Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
L Adductor Hallucis
L Interosseous Plantar
Muscles Leg Right
R Iliotibial Band Tensor Fascia Lata
R Adductor Longus
R Rectus Femoris
R Sartorius
R Patellar Ligament
R Gastrocnemius Medial Head
R Soleus
R Gastrocnemius Lateral Head
R Flexor Digitorum Longus
R Quadratus Plantae
R Abductor Digiti Minimi Foot
R Semimembranosus
R Popliteus
R Abductor Hallucis
R Flexor Hallucis Longus
R Lumbrical
R Flexor Hallucis Brevis
R Interosseous Membrane Leg
R Tibialis Anterior
R Extensor Hallucis Longus
R Extensor Hallucis Brevis
R Extensor Digitorum Longus
R Peroneus Tertius
R Flexor Digitorum Brevis
R Interosseous Dorsal
R Vastus Lateralis
R Vastus Intermedius
R Vastus Medialis
R Pectineus
R Adductor Brevis
R Gracilis
R Adductor Magnus
R Tibialis Posterior
R Semitendinosus
R Plantaris
R Biceps Femoris Long Head
R Peroneus Brevis
R Biceps Femoris Short Head
R Calcaneal Achilles Tendon
R Extensor Digitorum Brevis
R Peroneus Longus
R Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
R Adductor Hallucis
R Interosseous Plantar
Muscles Neck Left
L Styloglossus
L Hyoglossus
L Geniohyoid
L Sternohyoid
L Scalene Middle
L Sternothyroid
L Scalene Anterior
L Longus Colli
L Obliquus Superior Capitis
L Rectus Capitis Lateralis
L Longus Capitis
L Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
L Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
L Rectus Capitits Anterior
L Spinalis Cervicis
L Scalene Posterior
L Omohyoid
L Longissimus Cervicis
Muscles Neck Right
R Splenius Capitis
R Rectus Capitis Lateralis
R Styloglossus
R Longus Capitis
R Splenius Cervicis
R Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
R Longissimus Capitis
R Rectus Capitis Anterior
R Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
R Spinalis Cervicis
R Semispinalis Capitis
R Scalene Middle
R Levator Scapulae
R Longissimus Cervicis
R Scalene Anterior
R Longus Colli
R Obliquus Superior Capitis
R Hyoglossus
R Geniohyoid
Pharyngeal Raphe
Inferior Constrictor
R Sternohyoid
R Scalene Posterior
R Omohyoid
R Sternothyroid
R Platysma
R Sternocleidomastoid
Muscles Torso
R Pectoralis Major
R Supraspinatus
R Teres Major
R Coracobrachialis
R Infraspinatus
R Rhomboid Major
R Teres Minor
R Latissimus Dorsi
R Rhomboid Minor
R Pectoralis Minor
R Supscapularis
R Serratus Anterior
R Innermost Intercostal Muscles
Transversus Abdominis
R Quadratus Lumborum
Serratus Posterior Inferior
R Internal Oblique
R Internal Intercostal Muscles
R External Intercostal Muscles
L External Intercostal Muscles
R External Oblique
L Pectoralis Major
L Subscapularis
L Supraspinatus
Serratus Posterior Superior
L Teres Major
L Coracobrachialis
L Rhomboid Minor
L Rhomboid Major
L Infaspinatus
L Teres Minor
L Pectoralis Minor
L Latissimus Dorsi
L Serratus Anterior
L Innermost Intercostal Muscles
L Internal Intercostal Muscles
L Quadratus Lumborum
L Internal Oblique
Rectus Abdominis
Nerves Arm Left
L Musculocutaneous Nerve
L Suprascapular Nerve
L Axillary Nerve
L Posterior Brachial Cutaneous
L Deep Branch Radial Nerve
L Superficial Branch Radial
L Dorsal Digital Branches Radial
L Proper Palmar Digital Branches Median
L Ulnar Nerve
L Radial Nerve
L Medial Brachial Cutaneous
L Median Nerve
L Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous
L Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous
L Common Palmar Digital Branches Median
L Palmar Branch Ulnar Nerve
Nerves Arm Right
R Musculocutaneous Nerve
R Suprascapular Nerve
R Axillary Nerve
R Posterior Brachial Cutaneous
R Deep Branch Radial Nerve
R Superficial Branch Radial
R Dorsal Digital Branches Radial
R Proper Palmar Digital Branches Median
R Ulnar Nerve
R Radial Nerve
R Medial Brachial Cutaneous
R Median Nerve
R Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous
R Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous
R Common Palmar Digital Branches Median
R Palmar Branch Ulnar Nerve
Nerves Brain
R Putamen
R Lateral Globus Pallidus
R Fornix Crura
R Lateral Ventricle
R Fornix Columns
R Interventricular Foramen
R Superior Colliculus
R Inferior Colliculus
Fourth Ventricle
R Medial Globus Pallidus
Third Ventricle
R Hypothalamus
R Mammillary Body
R Hippocampus
Gracile Tubercle
R Cuneate
R Olive
R Medulla Oblongata
L Putamen
R Caudate Nucleus
Outer Dura
R Amygdaloid Body
L Amygdaloid Body
R Substantia Nigra
Pituitary Gland
L Subthalmic Nucleus
L Caudate Nucleus
L Substantia Nigra
L Medial Globus Pallidus
R Thalamus
Corpus Callosum
L Thalamus
L Fornix Body
L Fornix Crura
L Mammillary Body
L Lateral Ventricle
L Interventricular Foramen
L Fornix Columns
Pineal Gland
L Inferior Colliculus
L Superior Colliculus
Cerebral Aqueduct
L Hypothalamus
L Hippocampus
L Olive
L Cuneate
Brain Stem Center
L Medulla Oblongata
Nerves Head
R Trochlear Nerve
R Oculomotor Nerve
R Frontal Nerve
R Optic Nerve
R Olfactory Nerve Branches
L Olfactory Nerve Branches
R Maxillary Nerve V2
R Ophthalmic Nerve V1
R Mandibular Nerve V3
R Trigeminal Nerve V
R Posterior Temporal Nerve
R Vestibulocochlear Nerve
R Anterior Temporal Nerve
R Auriculotemporal Nerve
R Facial Nerve
R Vagus Nerve
R Accessory Nerve
R Lingual Nerve
R Alveolar Nerve
R Glossopharyngeal Nerve
R Hypoglossal Nerve
L Glossopharyngeal Nerve
L Hypoglossal Nerve
L Optic Nerve
L Trochlear Nerve
L Oculomotor Nerve
R Abducens Nerve
L Frontal Nerve
L Abducens Nerve
L Ophthalmic Nerve V1
L Maxillary Nerve V2
L Trigeminal Nerve V
L Mandibular Nerve V3
L Vestibulocochlear Nerve
L Posterior Temporal Nerve
L Anterior Temporal Nerve
L Auriculotemporal Nerve
L Facial Nerve
L Vagus Nerve
L Accessory Nerve
L Lingual Nerve
L Alveolar Nerve
Nerves Leg Left
L Obturator Nerve
L Femoral Nerve
L Sciatic Nerve
L Posterior Femoral Cutaneous
L Lateral Sural Cutaneous
L Superficial Peroneal Nerve
L Sural Communicating Branch
L Lateral Femoral Cutaneous
L Common Peroneal Nerve
L Saphenous Nerve
L Tibial Nerve
L Medial Sural Nerve
L Deep Peroneal Nerve
L Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous
L Plantar Nerve
Nerves Leg Right
R Obturator Nerve
R Femoral Nerve
R Sciatic Nerve
R Posterior Femoral Cutaneous
R Common Peroneal Nerve
R Lateral Sural Cutaneous
R Superficial Peroneal Nerve
R Sural Communicating Branch
R Lateral Femoral Cutaneous
R Saphenous Nerve
R Tibial Nerve
R Medial Sural Nerve
R Deep Peroneal Nerve
R Immediate Dorsal Cutaneous
R Plantar Nerve
Nerves Lower Body Female
Cauda Equina Base
R Lumbar Plexus
R Iliohypogastric Nerve
R Ilioinguinal Nerve
R Sacral Plexus
R Genitofemoral Nerve
R Superior Gluteal Nerve
R Inferior Gluteal Nerve
R Pudendal Nerve
Spinal Cord Dura Mater
L Lumbar Plexus
L Iliohypogastric Nerve
L Ilioinguinal Nerve
L Sacral Plexus
L Genitofemoral Nerve
L Superior Gluteal Nerve
L Inferior Gluteal Nerve
L Pudendal Nerve
Nerves Upper Body
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C2
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C1
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C3
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C4
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C5
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C6
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C7
R Cervical Spinal Nerve C8
R Intercostal Nerve 1
R Sympathetic Nerves
R Phrenic Nerve
R Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
R Intercostal Nerve 2
R Intercostal Nerve 3
R Intercostal Nerve 4
R Intercostal Nerve 5
R Intercostal Nerve 6
R Intercostal Nerve 7
R Intercostal Nerve 8
R Intercostal Nerve 9
R Intercostal Nerve 10
R Intercostal Nerve 11
R Intercostal Nerve 12
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C1
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C2
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C3
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C4
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C5
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C6
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C7
L Cervical Spinal Nerve C8
L Intercostal Nerve 1
L Sympathetic Nerves
L Phrenic Nerve
L Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
L Intercostal Nerve 2
L Intercostal Nerve 3
L Intercostal Nerve 4
L Intercostal Nerve 5
L Intercostal Nerve 6
L Intercostal Nerve 7
L Intercostal Nerve 8
L Intercostal Nerve 9
L Intercostal Nerve 10
L Intercostal Nerve 11
L Intercostal Nerve 12
Skeleton Arms
R Scapula
R Clavicle
R Humerus
R Radius
R Ulna
L Scapula
L Clavicle
L Humerus
L Radius
L Ulna
Skeleton Foot Left
L Medial Cuneiform
L Intermediate Cuneiform
L Metatarsal 1
L Metatarsal 2
L Proximal Phalanx Foot 1
L Proximal Phalanx Foot 2
L Proximal Phalanx Foot 3
L Middle Phalanx Foot 2
L Middle Phalanx Foot 3
L Distal Phalanx Foot 2
L Distal Phalanx Foot 3
L Distal Phalanx Foot 1
L Talus
L Calcaneus
L Navicular
L Cuboid
L Lateral Cuneiform
L Metatarsal 5
L Metatarsal 4
L Metatarsal 3
L Proximal Phalanx Foot 5
L Proximal Phalanx Foot 4
L Middle Phalanx Foot 4
L Middle Phalanx Foot 5
L Distal Phalanx Foot 4
L Distal Phalanx Foot 5
Skeleton Foot Right
R Calcaneus
R Cuboid
R Intermediate Cuneiform
R Metatarsal 5
R Metatarsal 4
R Proximal Phalanx Foot 5
R Proximal Phalanx Foot 4
R Middle Phalanx Foot 3
R Middle Phalanx Foot 4
R Distal Phalanx Foot 4
R Distal Phalanx Foot 5
R Middle Phalanx Foot 5
R Talus
R Navicular
R Medial Cuneiform
R Lateral Cuneiform
R Metatarsal 1
R Metatarsal 2
R Metatarsal 3
R Proximal Phalanx Foot 1
R Proximal Phalanx Foot 2
R Proximal Phalanx Foot 3
R Middle Phalanx Foot 2
R Distal Phalanx Foot 1
R Distal Phalanx Foot 3
R Distal Phalanx Foot 2
Skeleton Hand Left
L Scaphoid
L Lunate
L Pisiform
L Hamate
L Triquetrum
L Metacarpal 3
L Metacarpal 5
L Metacarpal 4
L Proximal Phalanx 5
L Proximal Phalanx 4
L Middle Phalanx 5
L Distal Phalanx 5
L Middle Phalanx 4
L Distal Phalanx 4
L Trapezium
L Capitate
L Trapezoid
L Metacarpal 2
L Proximal Phalanx 1
L Metacarpal 1
L Distal Phalanx 1
L Proximal Phalanx 3
L Proximal Phalanx 2
L Middle Phalanx 3
L Middle Phalanx 2
L Distal Phalanx 2
L Distal Phalanx 3
Skeleton Hand Right
R Trapezium
R Capitate
R Trapezoid
R Metacarpal 2
R Proximal Phalanx 1
R Metacarpal 1
R Distal Phalanx 1
R Proximal Phalanx 3
R Proximal Phalanx 2
R Middle Phalanx 3
R Middle Phalanx 2
R Distal Phalanx 2
R Distal Phalanx 3
R Scaphoid
R Lunate
R Pisiform
R Hamate
R Triquetrum
R Metacarpal 3
R Metacarpal 5
R Metacarpal 4
R Proximal Phalanx 5
R Proximal Phalanx 4
R Middle Phalanx 5
R Distal Phalanx 5
R Middle Phalanx 4
R Distal Phalanx 4
Skeleton Legs
R Femur
R Patella
R Tibia
R Fibula
L Femur
L Patella
L Tibia
L Fibula
Skeleton Pelvis Sacrum
R Iliac Crest
R Os Coxa
R Sacro Iliac Joint
R Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
R Ilium
R Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Sacrococcygeal Joint
R Pubis
R Ischium
Pubic Symphysis
L Iliac Crest
L Sacro Iliac Joint
L Os Coxa
L Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
L Ilium
L Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
L Ischium
L Pubis
Skeleton Ribs
R Rib 1
R Costal Cartilage 1
R Rib 2
R Costal Cartilage 2
R Rib 3
R Costal Cartilage 3
R Rib 4
R Costal Cartilage 4
R Rib 5
R Costal Cartilage 5
R Rib 6
R Rib 7
R Rib 8
R Rib 9
R Rib 10
R Rib 11
R Rib 12
R Costal Cartilage 6
R Sternum
L Rib 1
L Costal Cartilage 1
L Rib 2
L Costal Cartilage 2
L Rib 3
L Costal Cartilage 3
L Rib 4
L Costal Cartilage 4
L Rib 5
L Costal Cartilage 5
L Rib 6
L Rib 7
L Rib 8
L Rib 9
L Rib 10
L Rib 11
L Rib 12
L Costal Cartilage 6
Skeleton Skull
R Parietal Bone
L Parietal Bone
R Incus
Occipital Bone
R Malleus
R Stapes
L Lacrimal Bone
R Lacrimal Bone
R Maxillary Sinus
R Palatine Bone
Ethmoid Bone
Sphenoid Bone
R Temporal Bone
R Maxillary Bone
R Zygomatic Bone
R Nasal Concha
Frontal Bone
L Zygomatic Bone
R Frontal Sinus
L Frontal Sinus
L Ethmoid Sinus
L Temporal Bone
L Stapes
L Incus
L Malleus
L Maxillary Sinus
R Ethmoidal Sinus
L Sphenoid Sinus
R Sphenoid Sinus
L Nasal Concha
L Nasal Bone
R Nasal Bone
L Maxillary Bone
Vomer Bone
Skeleton Teeth
Upper Right 3rd Molar
Lower Right 3rd Molar
Upper Right 2nd Molar
Lower Right 2nd Molar
Upper Right 1st Molar
Lower Right 1st Molar
Upper Right 2nd Bicuspid
Lower Right 2nd Bicuspid
Upper Right 1st Bicuspid
Lower Right 1st Bicuspid
Upper Right Cuspid
Lower Right Cuspid
Upper Right Lateral Incisor
Lower Right Lateral Incisor
Upper Right Central Incisor
Lower Right Central Incisor
Upper Left 3rd Molar
Lower Left 3rd Molar
Upper Left 2nd Molar
Lower Left 2nd Molar
Upper Left 1st Molar
Lower Left 1st Molar
Upper Left 2nd Bicuspid
Lower Left 2nd Bicuspid
Upper Left 1st Bicuspid
Lower Left 1st Bicuspid
Upper Left Cuspid
Lower Left Cuspid
Upper Left Lateral Incisor
Lower Left Lateral Incisor
Upper Left Central Incisor
Lower Left Central Incisor
Skeleton Vertebra
Atlas Vertebra C1
Cervical Disc C2
Cervical Disc C3
Cervical Disc C4
Cervical Disc C5
Cervical Disc C6
Cervical Disc C7
Thoracic Disc T1
Thoracic Disc T2
Thoracic Disc T3
Thoracic Disc T4
Thoracic Disc T5
Thoracic Disc T6
Thoracic Disc T7
Thoracic Disc T8
Thoracic Disc T9
Thoracic Disc T10
Thoracic Disc T11
Thoracic Disc T12
Lumbar Disc L1
Lumbar Disc L2
Lumbar Disc L3
Lumbar Disc L4
Lumbar Disc L5
Lumbar Vertebra L1
Lumbar Vertebra L2
Lumbar Vertebra L3
Lumbar Vertebra L4
Lumbar Vertebra L5
Axis Vertebra C2
Cervical Vertebra C3
Cervical Vertebra C4
Cervical Vertebra C5
Cervical Vertebra C6
Cervical Vertebra C7
Thoracic Vertebra T1
Thoracic Vertebra T2
Thoracic Vertebra T3
Thoracic Vertebra T4
Thoracic Vertebra T5
Thoracic Vertebra T6
Thoracic Vertebra T7
Thoracic Vertebra T8
Thoracic Vertebra T9
Thoracic Vertebra T10
Thoracic Vertebra T11
Thoracic Vertebra T12