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Categories for the Body Organs Frequency Imbalance Report for medical/healthcare professionals are listed below. Below the Categories you will see the various elements within each Category. All of these listed elements are scanned in each session.

There are three comprehensive reports available -
1. Body Chemistry Frequency Imbalance Report
2. Physiotherapy Frequency Imbalance Report
3. Medical Body Organ Frequency Imbalance Report - this page

See more here - Frequency Imbalance Reports


Frequency scanning and report service.jpg

IMPORTANT: It's important to note that while the Body Frequency Analyser Scan is a promising integrated technology in early detection of frequency imbalances, it should not be used as a standalone diagnostic tool. The Body Frequency Analyser Scan should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools and medical evaluations by a qualified healthcare professional. The information provided by the Body Frequency Analyser Scan should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It's always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for any health concerns or questions.





Arteries Arm Left

Arteries Arm Right
Arteries Head

Arteries Leg Left

Arteries Leg Right

Arteries Lower Body

Arteries Upper Body


Chromosomes 01 to 22
Chromosomes X

Ear Left
Ear Right


Eye Left

Eye Right


Heart Anterior Cut

Heart Top Cut


Lymphatic Arms
Lymphatic Body

Lymphatic Head

Lymphatic Legs

Nerves Arm Left

Nerves Arm Right

Nerves Brain

Nerves Head

Nerves Leg Left
Nerves Leg Right

Nerves Lower Body

Nerves Upper Body





Organs Adrenal Cross Section

Organs Basal Ganglia

Organs Blood Cells

Organs Brain Sagittal

Organs Breast Left

Organs Breast Right

Organs Cerebral Cortex Function

Organs Digestive
Organs Female Sagittal

Organs Human Cell

Organs Kidney Cross Section L

Organs Kidney Cross Section R

Organs Large Intestine Cross Section

Organs Liver Detail

Organs Liver Sections

Organs Liver Vessels

Organs Lung Lobes Alveoli

Organs Meninges Cross Section

Organs Mitochondria

Organs Neck

Organs Pancreas

Organs Pancreas Cross Section

Organs Rectum Cross Section

Organs Rectum Wall

Organs Reproductive

Organs Respiratory

Organs Skin Cross Section

Organs Small Intestine Wall

Organs Stomach Cross Section

Organs Teeth Cross Section

Organs Thyroid Cross Section

Organs Urinary



Veins Arm Left

Veins Arm Right

Veins Head

Veins Leg Left

Veins Leg Right

Veins Lower Body

Veins Upper Body



Arteries Arm Left 

L Lateral Thoracic Artery

L Anterior Ulnar Recurrent

L Brachial Artery

L Deep Brachial Artery

L Radial Collateral Artery

L Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery

L Ulnar Artery

L Superficial Palmar Branch Radial

L Deep Palmar Arterial Arch

L Deep Palmar Branch Ulnar Artery

L Anterior Circumflex Humeral Artery

L Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery

L Acromial Branch Thoracoacromial

L Middle Collateral Artery

L Posterior Interosseous Artery

L Radial Artery

L Anterior Interosseous Artery

L Superficial Palmar Arterial Arch

L Princeps Pollicis Artery

L Palmar Digital Arteries


Arteries Arm Right 

R Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery

R Lateral Thoracic Artery

R Anterior Ulnar Recurrent

R Brachial Artery

R Deep Brachial Artery

R Radial Collateral Artery

R Ulnar Artery

R Superficial Palmar Branch Radial

R Deep Palmar Arterial Arch

R Princeps Pollicis Artery

R Acromial Branch Thoracoacromial

R Anterior Circumflex Humeral Artery

R Middle Collateral Artery

R Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery

R Posterior Interosseous Artery

R Radial Artery

R Anterior Interosseous Artery

R Deep Palmar Branch Ulnar Artery

R Superficial Palmar Arterial Arch

R Palmar Digital Arteries

Arteries Head 

R Angular Artery

L Anterior Cerebral Artery


R Anterior Cerebral Artery

R Eye Arteries

R Middle Cerebral Artery

L Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery

L Anterior Communicating Artery

L Angular Artery

R PCA Anterior Temporal Artery

L Internal Carotid Artery

R Superior Cerebellar Artery

R Maxillary Artery

Basilar Artery

R PCA Posterior Temporal Artery

R Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery

R Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery

L Alveolar Artery

R Alveolar Artery

L Superior Thyroid Artery

L Facial Artery

L Superior Laryngeal Artery

L Common Carotid Artery

R Meningeal Artery

R Superior Temporal Artery

R Ophthalmic Artery

L Eye Arteries

R Lenticulostriate Artery





R Facial Artery

R Posterior Auricular Artery

R Deep Temporal Artery

R Superior Thyroid Artery

R Internal Carotid Artery

R Vertebral Artery

R External Carotid Artery

R PCA Posterior Pericallosal Artery

R Perforator Artery

L PCA Posterior Temporal Artery

L Perforator Artery



R Posterior Communicating Artery

L PCA Calcarine Artery

R PCA Calcarine Artery

R Pontine Artery

R Occipital Artery

L Vertebral Artery

L Meningeal Artery

L Lenticulostriate Artery

L PCA Parietal Occipital Artery

L Middle Cerebral Artery

L Posterior Communicating Artery

R PCA Parietal Occipital Artery

L PCA Anterior Temporal Artery

L Superior Temporal Artery

L PCA Posterior Penicallosal Artery

L Posterior Auricular Artery


L Deep Temporal Artery

L Superior Cerebellar Artery

L Pontine Artery

L Ophthalmic Artery

L Maxillary Artery

L Occipital Artery

L External Carotid Artery

Arteries Leg Left 

L Medial Circumflex Artery

L Deep Femoral Artery

L Ascending Lat. Circumflex

L Femoral Artery

L Popliteal Artery

L Descending Genicular Artery

L Posterior Tibial Artery

L Medial Tarsal Arteries

L Dorsal Metatarsals Arteries

L Anterior Tibial Artery

L Transverse Lat. Circumflex

L Lateral Circumflex

L Descending Lat. Circumflex

L Saphenous Descending Genicular

L Articular Descending Genicular

L Medial Inferior Genicular

L Lateral Inferior Genicular

L Anterior Tibial Recurrent

L Circumflex Fibular Artery

L Fibular Artery

L Lateral Tarsal Artery

L Arcuate Artery

L Dorsal Digital Arteries

Arteries Leg Right 

R Medial Circumflex Artery

R Deep Femoral Artery

R Ascending Lat. Circumflex

R Femoral Artery

R Popliteal Artery

R Descending Genicular Artery

R Posterior Tibial Artery

R Circumflex Fibular Artery

R Medial Tarsal Arteries

R Dorsal Metatarsal Arteries

R Anterior Tibial Artery

R Transverse Lat. Circumflex

R Lateral Circumflex

R Descending Lat. Circumflex

R Saphenous Descending Genicular

R Articular Descending Genicular

R Medial Inferior Genicular

R Lateral Inferior Genicular

R Anterior Tibial Recurrent

R Fibular Artery

R Lateral Tarsal Artery

R Arcuate Artery

R Dorsal Digital Arteries

Arteries Lower Body Female 

Abdominal Aorta

R Renal Artery

R Common Iliac Artery

R External Iliac Artery

Ileal Branch Ileocolic Artery

Anterior Cecal Artery

Ileocolic Artery

Colic Branch Ileocolic Artery

Appendicular Artery

Posterior Cecal Artery

R Ovarian Artery

R Interior Iliac Artery

R Superior Gluteal Artery

R Lateral Sacral Artery

R Inferior Gluteal Artery

R Internal Pudendal Artery

R Inferior Vesical Artery

R Middle Rectal Artery

R Obturator Artery

R Inferior Rectal Artery

R Colic Artery

Middle Colic Artery

R Uterine Artery

R Vaginal Artery

Uterine Artery Plexus

Inferior Mesenteric Artery

L Colic Artery

L Uterine Artery

L Vaginal Artery

L Common Iliac Artery

Superior Mesenteric Artery

L Renal Artery

L External Iliac Artery

Marginal Artery

Ascending Branch Left Colic Artery

L Ovarian Artery

Sigmoid Arteries

Descending Branch Left Colic Artery

Superior Rectal Artery

L Interior Iliac Artery

L Superior Gluteal Artery

L Lateral Sacral Artery

L Inferior Gluteal Artery

L Internal Pudendal Artery

L Inferior Vesical Artery

L Middle Rectal Artery

L Obturator Artery

Vaginal Artery Plexus

L Inferior Rectal Artery

Arteries Upper Body 

R Inferior Thyroid Artery

R Axillary Artery

R Subclavian Artery

R Brachiocephalic Trunk

R Suprascapular Artery

R Intercostal Arteries

R Transverse Cervical Artery

R Celiac Trunk

R Common Hepatic Artery

L Hepatic Artery

R Gastroepiploic Artery

R Proper Hepatic Artery

R Esophageal Arteries

R Hepatic Artery

L Brachiocephalic Trunk

L Axillary Artery

L Inferior Thyroid Artery

L Suprascapular Artery

L Subclavian Artery

L Intercostal Arteries

L Transverse Cervical Artery

R Descending Aorta

R Inferior Phrenic Arteries

L Gastric Artery

R Gastric Artery

R Gastroduodenal Artery

L Accessory Hepatic Artery

R Splenic Artery

Chromosomes 01 




DNA Marker 01

DNA Marker 02

DNA Marker 03

DNA Marker 04

DNA Marker 05

DNA Marker 06

DNA Marker 07

DNA Marker 08

DNA Marker 09

DNA Marker 10

DNA Marker 11

DNA Marker 12

DNA Marker 13

DNA Marker 14

DNA Marker 15

DNA Marker 16

DNA Marker 17

DNA Marker 18

DNA Marker 19

DNA Marker 20

DNA Marker 21

DNA Marker 22

DNA Marker 23

Chromosomes 02 to 22 are also covered


Chromosomes X



DNA Marker 01

DNA Marker 02

DNA Marker 03

DNA Marker 04

DNA Marker 05

DNA Marker 06

DNA Marker 07

DNA Marker 08

DNA Marker 09

DNA Marker 10

DNA Marker 11

DNA Marker 12

Ear Left 

L Cochlea

L Stapes

L Malleus

L Mastoid Bone

L Tympanic Membrane

L Nasopharynx

L Incus

L Semicircular Canals

L Cartilage

L Ear Canal

Ear Right 

R Cartilage

R Ear Canal

R Mastoid Bone

R Incus

R Cochlea

R Semicircular Canals

R Stapes

R Malleus

R Tympanic Membrane

R Nasopharynx

Eye Left 

L Cornea

L Levator Palpebrae Superioris

L Inferior Ophthalmic Vein

L Trochlea

L Retina

L Superior Oblique

L Superior Rectus

L Sclera

L Superior Ophthalmic Vein

L Conjunctiva

L Fibers

L Fat

L Lacrimal Gland

L Ophthalmic Artery

L Lateral Rectus

L Retinal Veins

L Lens

L Annular Ring

L Medial Rectus

L Ciliary Body

L Inferior Rectus

L Inferior Oblique

L Retinal Arteries

Eye Right 

R Cornea

R Levator Palpebrae Superioris

R Inferior Ophthalmic Vein

R Trochlea

R Retina

R Superior Oblique

R Superior Rectus

R Sclera

R Superior Ophthalmic Vein

R Conjunctiva

R Fibers

R Fat

R Lacrimal Gland

R Ophthalmic Artery

R Lateral Rectus

R Retinal Veins

R Lens

R Annular Ring

R Medial Rectus

R Ciliary Body

R Inferior Rectus

R Inferior Oblique

R Retinal Arteries

Heart Heart 

Brachiocephalic trunk

L Common Carotid Artery

L Subclavian Vein

Pulmonary Trunk

R Auricle

L Semilunar Cusp

R Semilunar Cusp

Posterior Semilunar Cusp

Chordae Tendineae

Posterior Papillary Muscle

L Brachiocephalic Vein

R Brachiocephalic Vein

R Pulmonary Artery

Superior Vena Cava

R Pulmonary Veins

Formen Ovale

Inferior Vene Cava

Heart Anterior Cut 

Pulmonary Arteries

Superior Venacava

Right Atrium

Right AV Valve

Right Ventricle

Chordae Tendineae

Inferior Venacava


Pulmonary Veins

Pulmonary Trunk

Left Atrium

Papillary Muscle

Aortic Valve

Left AV Valve

Left Ventricle

Heart Top Cut 

Pulmonary Trunk

Left Ventricle

Left AV Valve


Pulmonary Valve

Papillary Muscle

Aortic Valve

Right AV Valve

Right Ventricle

Lymphatic Arms 

R Deltopectoral Lymph Nodes

R Lateral Axillary Humeral Lymph Nodes

R Cubital Lymph Nodes

L Deltopectoral Lymph Nodes

L Lateral Axillary Humeral Lymph Nodes

L Cubital Lymph Nodes

Lymphatic Body Female 

Paratracheal Lymph Nodes

Lymphatic Duct

R Juguloomohyoid Lymph Node

R Apical Axillary Lymph Nodes

R Anterior Axillary Pectoral Lymph Nodes

R Parasternal Lymph Nodes

R Intercostal Lymph Nodes

R Interpectoral Lymph Nodes

Celiac Lymph Node

Gastric Lymph Nodes

Cisterna Chyli

Paracolic Lymph Nodes

R Phrenic Lymph Nodes

R Iliac Lymph Nodes

Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes

Anterior Superficial Cervical Lymph Nodes

L Juguloomohyoid Lymph Node

L Apical Axillary Lymph Nodes

L Interpectoral Lymph Nodes

Splenic Lymph Nodes

L Intercostal Lymph Nodes

L Phrenic Lymph Nodes

Bronchomediastinal Lymph Trunk

Superior Pancreatic Lymph Nodes

Thoracic Duct

Pyloric Lymph Nodes

Superior Mesenteric Lymph Nodes

L Iliac Lymph Nodes

L Parasternal Lymph Nodes

L Anterior Axillary Pectoral Lymph Nodes

Lymphatic Head 

R Occipital Lymph Nodes

R Jugulodigastric Lymph Node

R Subparotid Lymph Nodes

R Submandibular Lymph Nodes

R Superior Deep Lateral Cervical Lymph Node

L Occipital Lymph Nodes

L Subparotid Lymph Nodes

L Jugulodigastric Lymph Node

L Submandibular Lymph Nodes

L Superior Deep Lateral Cervical Lymph Node

Lymphatic Legs 

R Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes

R Lymph Vessels of the leg

R Deep Inguinal Lymph Nodes

L Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes

L Deep Inguinal Lymph Nodes

L Lymph Vessels of the leg

Nerves Arm Left 

L Musculocutaneous Nerve

L Suprascapular Nerve

L Axillary Nerve

L Posterior Brachial Cutaneous

L Deep Branch Radial Nerve

L Superficial Branch Radial

L Dorsal Digital Branches Radial

L Proper Palmar Digital Branches Median

L Ulnar Nerve

L Radial Nerve

L Medial Brachial Cutaneous

L Median Nerve

L Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous

L Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous

L Common Palmar Digital Branches Median

L Palmar Branch Ulnar Nerve


Nerves Arm Right 

R Musculocutaneous Nerve

R Suprascapular Nerve

R Axillary Nerve

R Posterior Brachial Cutaneous

R Deep Branch Radial Nerve

R Superficial Branch Radial

R Dorsal Digital Branches Radial

R Proper Palmar Digital Branches Median

R Ulnar Nerve

R Radial Nerve

R Medial Brachial Cutaneous

R Median Nerve

R Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous

R Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous

R Common Palmar Digital Branches Median

R Palmar Branch Ulnar Nerve

Nerves Brain 

R Putamen

R Lateral Globus Pallidus

R Fornix Crura

R Lateral Ventricle

R Fornix Columns

R Interventricular Foramen

R Superior Colliculus

R Inferior Colliculus

Fourth Ventricle

R Medial Globus Pallidus

Third Ventricle

R Hypothalamus

R Mammillary Body

R Hippocampus

Gracile Tubercle

R Cuneate

R Olive

R Medulla Oblongata

L Putamen

R Caudate Nucleus

Outer Dura

R Amygdaloid Body

L Amygdaloid Body

R Substantia Nigra

Pituitary Gland

L Subthalmic Nucleus

L Caudate Nucleus



L Substantia Nigra

L Medial Globus Pallidus

R Thalamus

Corpus Callosum

L Thalamus

L Fornix Body

L Fornix Crura

L Mammillary Body

L Lateral Ventricle

L Interventricular Foramen

L Fornix Columns

Pineal Gland

L Inferior Colliculus

L Superior Colliculus

Cerebral Aqueduct


L Hypothalamus

L Hippocampus

L Olive

L Cuneate

Brain Stem Center


L Medulla Oblongata


Nerves Head 

R Trochlear Nerve

R Oculomotor Nerve

R Frontal Nerve

R Optic Nerve

R Olfactory Nerve Branches

L Olfactory Nerve Branches

R Maxillary Nerve V2

R Ophthalmic Nerve V1

R Mandibular Nerve V3

R Trigeminal Nerve V

R Posterior Temporal Nerve

R Vestibulocochlear Nerve

R Anterior Temporal Nerve

R Auriculotemporal Nerve

R Facial Nerve

R Vagus Nerve

R Accessory Nerve

R Lingual Nerve

R Alveolar Nerve

R Glossopharyngeal Nerve

R Hypoglossal Nerve

L Glossopharyngeal Nerve

L Hypoglossal Nerve

L Optic Nerve

L Trochlear Nerve

L Oculomotor Nerve

R Abducens Nerve

L Frontal Nerve

L Abducens Nerve

L Ophthalmic Nerve V1

L Maxillary Nerve V2

L Trigeminal Nerve V

L Mandibular Nerve V3

L Vestibulocochlear Nerve

L Posterior Temporal Nerve

L Anterior Temporal Nerve

L Auriculotemporal Nerve

L Facial Nerve

L Vagus Nerve

L Accessory Nerve

L Lingual Nerve

L Alveolar Nerve

Nerves Leg Left 

L Obturator Nerve

L Femoral Nerve

L Sciatic Nerve

L Posterior Femoral Cutaneous

L Lateral Sural Cutaneous

L Superficial Peroneal Nerve

L Sural Communicating Branch

L Lateral Femoral Cutaneous

L Common Peroneal Nerve

L Saphenous Nerve

L Tibial Nerve

L Medial Sural Nerve

L Deep Peroneal Nerve

L Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous

L Plantar Nerve

Nerves Leg Right 

R Obturator Nerve

R Femoral Nerve

R Sciatic Nerve

R Posterior Femoral Cutaneous

R Common Peroneal Nerve

R Lateral Sural Cutaneous

R Superficial Peroneal Nerve

R Sural Communicating Branch

R Lateral Femoral Cutaneous

R Saphenous Nerve

R Tibial Nerve

R Medial Sural Nerve

R Deep Peroneal Nerve

R Immediate Dorsal Cutaneous

R Plantar Nerve

Nerves Lower Body Female 

Cauda Equina Base

R Lumbar Plexus

R Iliohypogastric Nerve

R Ilioinguinal Nerve

R Sacral Plexus

R Genitofemoral Nerve

R Superior Gluteal Nerve

R Inferior Gluteal Nerve

R Pudendal Nerve

Spinal Cord Dura Mater

L Lumbar Plexus

L Iliohypogastric Nerve

L Ilioinguinal Nerve

L Sacral Plexus

L Genitofemoral Nerve

L Superior Gluteal Nerve

L Inferior Gluteal Nerve

L Pudendal Nerve

Nerves Upper Body 

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C2

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C1

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C3

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C4

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C5

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C6

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C7

R Cervical Spinal Nerve C8

R Intercostal Nerve 1

R Sympathetic Nerves

R Phrenic Nerve

R Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

R Intercostal Nerve 2

R Intercostal Nerve 3

R Intercostal Nerve 4

R Intercostal Nerve 5

R Intercostal Nerve 6

R Intercostal Nerve 7

R Intercostal Nerve 8

R Intercostal Nerve 9

R Intercostal Nerve 10

R Intercostal Nerve 11

R Intercostal Nerve 12

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C1

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C2

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C3

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C4

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C5

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C6

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C7

L Cervical Spinal Nerve C8

L Intercostal Nerve 1

L Sympathetic Nerves

L Phrenic Nerve

L Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

L Intercostal Nerve 2

L Intercostal Nerve 3

L Intercostal Nerve 4

L Intercostal Nerve 5

L Intercostal Nerve 6

L Intercostal Nerve 7

L Intercostal Nerve 8

L Intercostal Nerve 9

L Intercostal Nerve 10

L Intercostal Nerve 11

L Intercostal Nerve 12


Organs Adrenal Cross Section 






Substance P





Zona Fasciculata

Zona Reticularis


Zona Glomerulosa

Blood Vessels


Organs Basal Ganglia 


Genu of Corpus Callosum

Septum Pellucidum

Column of Fornix

Lateral Ventricle

3rd Ventricle

Globus Pallidus of Lentiform Nucleus

Interthalamic Adhesion

Head of Caudate Nucleus


Splenium of Corpus Callosum

Hippocampus and Fornix

Pineal Body


Choroid Plexus of Lateral Ventricle

Putamen of Lentiform Nucleus

Tail of Caudate Nucleus

Occipital Horn of Lateral Ventricle


Organs Blood Cells 






Red Blood Cell




Organs Brain Sagittal 

Superior Sagittal Sinus

Cingulate Gyrus

Cingulate Sulcus

Medial Frontal Gyrus

Sulcus of Corpus Callosum


Septum Pellucidum

Interventricular Foramen

Interthalamic Adhesion

Thalamus (3rd ventricle)

Subcallosal (parolfactroy) Area

Anterior Commissure

Paraterminal Gyrus

Hypthalamic Sulcus

Lamina Terminalis

Optic Recess

Optic Chiasm

Tuber Cinereum

Hypophysis (pituitary gland)


Corpus Callosum

Central Sulcus (of rolando)

Paracentral Sulcus

Choroid Plexus of 3rd Ventricle

Stria Medullaris of Thalamus

Pariooccipital Sulcus


Habenular Commissure

Pineal Body

Posterior Commissure

Calcanne Sulcus

Straight Sinus in Tentorium

Great Cerebral Vein (of galen)

Superior Colliculus

Inferior Colliculus

Quadrigeminal (tectal) Lamina


Superior Medullary Velum

4th Ventricle and Choroid Plexus

Inferior Medullary Velum

Medulla Oblongata

Cerebral Aqueduct (of sylvius)

Mamillary Body

Cerebral Peduncle


Organs Breast Left 

L High Auxillary (apical) Level III Lymph Nodes

L Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes

L Areola

L Nipple

L Montgomery's Tubercules

L Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes

L Ampulla (lactiferous sinus)

L Acini (alveoli)

L Interlobular Connective Tissue

L Lobules

L Mid Auxillary Level II Lymph Nodes

L Pectoralis Major

L Pectoral Fascia

L Subcutaneous Fat

L Brachial (lateral auxillary) Lymph Nodes

L Nipple & Subareola Musculature

L Superficial Fascia

L Suspensory Ligaments

L Pectoral Auxillary Lymph Nodes

L Low Auxillary Level Lymph Nodes

L Mammary Fat

L Adipose (fat) Tissue

L Fibrous Tissue

L Lactiferous Ducts

L Lobe

Organs Breast Right 

R Mid Auxillary Level II Lymph Nodes

R Pectoralis Major

R Pectoral Fascia

R Subcutaneous Fat

R Brachial (lateral auxillary) Lymph Nodes

R Nipple & Subareola Musculature

R Superficial Fascia

R Suspensory Ligaments

R Pectoral Auxillary Lymph Nodes

R Low Auxillary Level Lymph Nodes

R Mammary Fat

R Adipose (fat) Tissue

R Fibrous Tissue

R Lactiferous Ducts

R Lobe

R Ampulla (lactiferous sinus)

R Acini (alveoli)

R Interlobular Connective Tissue

R Lobules

R High Auxillary (apical) Level III Lymph Nodes

R Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes

R Areola

R Nipple

R Montgomery's Tubercules

R Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes

Organs Cerebral Cortex Function 

Primary Motor Cortex

Premotor Cortex

Frontal Eye Field

Broca's Area

Prefrontal Cortex

Primary Auditory Cortex

Central Sulcus

Primary Sonatosensory Cortex

Somatosensory Association Cortex

Gustatory Cortex Wernicke's Area

Visual Association Area

Auditory Association Area

Primary Visual Cortex

Organs Digestive 




Stomach Duodenum

Transverse Colon

Ascending Colon




Stomach Fundus

Stomach Body

Stomach Pyloric


Bile Duct

Descending Colon



Sigmoid Colon



Organs Female Sagittal 

Fallopian Tube

Symphysis Pubis

Urinary Bladder




Labia Minora

Labia Majora



Pouch of Douglas

Cervix of Uterus


Organs Human Cell 


Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum


Mitochondria Inner Membrane

Mitochondria Outer Membrane

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum


Golgi Complex



Plasma Membrane

Organs Kidney Cross Section L 

L Medulla

L Cortex

L Major Calyxes

L Renal Vein

L Arcute Vein

L Renal Pelvis

L Arcuate Arteries

L Minor Calyxes

L Interlobular Veins

L Interlobular Arteries

L Renal Artery

L Ureter

Organs Kidney Cross Section R 

R Medulla

R Cortex

R Major Calyxes

R Renal Artery

R Renal Vein

R Ureter

R Minor Calyxes

R Interlobular Veins

R Interlobular Arteries

R Renal Pelvis

R Arcuate Arteries

R Arcuate Veins

Organs Large Intestine Cross Section 

Goblet Cells

Simple Columnar Epithelium

Circular Muscle

Openings of Crypts



Muscularis Mucosae

Longitudinal Muscle



Organs Liver Detail 

Branch of Hepatic Vein

Central Vein

Intralobular Arteriole

Disse Spaces


Liver Cell Plates

Stellate Cells

Bile Duct

Branch of Portal Vein

Distributing Vein

Inlet Venule


Kupffer Cells

Lymph Vessel


Organs Liver Sections 

Right Lobe Segment 1

Right Lobe Segment 2

Right Lobe Segment 3

Right Lobe Segment 4

Left Lobe Segment 1

Left Lobe Segment 2

Left Lobe Segment 3

Left Lobe Segment 4

Organs Liver Vessels 

Left Hepatic Vein

Umbilical Vein

Hepatic Duct

Inferior Vena Cava

Right Hepatic Vein

Middle Hepatic Vein

Portal Vein

Hepatic Artery

Organs Lung Lobes Alveoli 

R Superior Lobe

R Middle Lobe

R Inferior Lobe

L Inferior Lobe

Smooth Muscle



L Superior Lobe


Aveolar Sac

Branch Of Pulmonary Vein

Ciliated Columnar Cell

Goblet Cell

Basement Membrane


Type I Pneumocyte

Type II Pneumocyte

Free Alveolar Macrophage

Branch Of pulmonary Artery

Basal Cell

Mucin Secretion

Organs Meninges Cross Section 

Skin of Scalp

Bone of Skull


Pia Matter

Archnoid Villus

Superior Sagittal Sinus

Subarachnoid Space



Arachnoid Matter

Blood Vessel

Subdural Space

Falx Cerebri (longitudinal tissue only)

Organs Mitochondria 

ATP Synthase


Outer Membrane


Inner Membrane Space

Inner Membrane




Organs Neck 

R Parotid Salivary Gland

Vocal Ligament

Parathyroid Gland

R Submandibular Salivary Gland

Thyroid Gland

Hyoepiglottic Ligament

Thyroepiglottic Ligament


R Sublingual Salivary Gland

Fan Ligament


Thyrohyoid Membrane

Thyroid Cartilage


L Parotid Salivary Gland



R Palatine Tonsil

L Palatine Tonsil

L Arytenoid Cartilage

R Corniculate

L Corniculate

R Arytenoid Cartilage


L Sublingual Salivary Gland

L Submandibular Salivary Gland

Cricothyroid Ligament

Cricoid Cartilage

Organs Pancreas 


R Hepatic Duct

Cystic Duct



Pylorus of Stomach

Accessory Pancreatic Duct Papilla

Ampula of Vater

Duodenal Papilla

Common Hepatic Duct

L Hepatic Duct

Common Bile Duct

Pancreatic Duct

Organs Pancreas Cross Section 

Pancreas Cross Section

Pancreatic Duct

Somatostatin-producing d Cell

Blood Capillary

Pancreatic polypeptide-producing PP cell

Exocrine Acinar Cells

Glucagon-Producing a Cell

Insulin-Producing b Cell

Organs Rectum Cross Section Female 


Inferior Rectal Valve

Internal Rectus Venous

Anal Sinus

Anal Column

Deep External Sphincter

Internal Sphincter

Subcutaneous External Sphincter

Pectinate Line

External Rectus Venous


Pelvirectal Space

Levator Ani Muscle

Ischiorectal Fossa

Puborectalis Muscle

Anal Crypt

Anal Gland

Anal Valve

Anal Verge

Organs Rectum Wall 

Circular Muscle of Rectum


Inferior Rectal Valve

Internal Rectus Venous

Anal Sinus

Anal Column

Deep External Sphincter

Internal Sphincter

Subcutaneous External Sphincter

Pectinate Line

External Rectus Venous

Longitudinal Muscle of Rectum

Pelvirectal Space

Levator Ani Muscle

Ischiorectal Fossa

Puborectalis Muscle

Anal Crypt

Anal Gland

Anal Valve

Anal Verge

Organs Reproductive Female 

R Uterine Tube

R Ovarian Ligament

R Ovary

Cervix of Uterus

L Uterine Tube


L Ovary

L Ovarian Ligament


Organs Respiratory 

R Frontal Sinus

R Ethmoid Aircells 4

R Ethmoid Aircells 1

R Ethmoid Aircells 3

R Ethmoid Aircells 2

R Sphenoid Sinus

R Eustachian Tube

R Maxillary Sinus Duct

R Maxillary Sinus




R Bronchus

Bronchial Tree

R Lung

L Plura

L Eustachian Tube

L Ethmoid Aircells 4

L Ethmoid Aircells 3

L Ethmoid Aircells 2

L Ethmoid Aircells 1

L Sphenoid Sinus

L Maxillary Sinus Duct

L Maxillary Sinus

L Frontal Sinus


L Bronchus

L Lung

R Plura

Organs Skin Cross Section 

Stratum Corneum

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Spinosum

Blood Capillary

Sensory Nerve Fiber

Hair Follicle

Arrector Pili Muscle

Hair Follicle Receptor

Hair Root


Hair Shaft

Sweat Gland Pore

Dermal Papilla


Eccrine Sweat Gland

Sebaceous Oil Gland



Fat Tissue

Papillary of Hair

Pavinian Corpuscle

Organs Small Intestine Wall 


Submucosal Vein

Lymphatic Vessel

Submucosal Artery

Circular Muscle



Lymphoid Nodule

Muscularis Mucosae

Submucocal Plexus

Longitudinal Muscle


Myenteric Plexus

Organs Stomach Cross Section 

Gastric Pit

Enteroendocrine Cell

Submucosal Vein

Submucosal Artery

Circular Muscle

Mucous Cells

Parietal Cells

Lamina Propria

Gastric Gland

Muscularis Mucosae

Chief Cell

Lymphatic Vessel

Longitudinal Muscle


Myenteric Plexus

Organs Teeth Cross Section 




Lateral Canals

Periodontal Ligament




Blood Vessels

Organs Thyroid Cross Section 

Connective Tissue

Follicular Cells

Thyroid Follicle

Parafollicluar Cells

Interlobular Connective Tissue


Blood Vessels

Organs Urinary 

R Adrenal Gland

L Ureter Tube

R Kidney

L Adrenal Gland

L Kidney

R Ureter Tube



Veins Arm Left 

L Thoracoacromial Vein

L Axillary Vein

L Lateral Brachial Vein

L Intermediate Median Basilic Vein

L Intermediate Cephalic Vein

L Dorsal Venous Arch Hand

L Proper Palmar Digital Veins

L Dorsal Digital Veins Hand

L Radial Vein

L Basilic Vein

L Ulnar Vein

L Cephalic Vein

L Accessory Cephalic Vein

L Median Antebrachial Vein

L Dorsal Metacarpal Veins

L Superficial Palmar Venous Arch

Veins Arm Right 

R Thoracoacromial Vein

R Axillary Vein

R Lateral Brachial Vein

R Radial Vein

R Intermediate Cephalic Vein

R Dorsal Venous Arch Hand

R Proper Palmar Digital Veins

R Dorsal Digital Veins Hand

R Basilic Vein

R Ulnar Vein

R Cephalic Vein

R Accessory Cephalic Vein

R Intermediate Median Basilic Vein

R Median Antebrachial Vein

R Dorsal Metacarpal Veins

R Superficial Palmar Venous Arch

Veins Head 

R Inferior Sagittal Sinus

R Posterior Mesencephalic Vein

R Straight Sinus

L Basal Vein

R Lateral Mesencephalic Vein

L Superior Cerebellar Vein

R Retrotonsillar Vein

R Vermian Vein

R Lateral Brachial Vein

R Posterior Spinal Vein

R Occipital Vein

R Posterior Auricular Vein

R Retromandibular Vein

R Transverse Sinus

R External Jugular Vein

R Internal Jugular Vein

R Maxillary Vein

R Deep Temporal Vein

R Alveolar Vein

R Facial Vein

R Superior Laryngeal Vein

L Superior Temporal Vein

L Meningeal Vein

R Cerebral Veins

R Intercavernous Sinus

R Anterior Spinal Vein

R Anterior Ponto Mesencephalic

L Eye Veins

L Superior Thyroid Vein

R Superior Temporal Vein

R Meningeal Vein

R Superior Sagittal Sinus

R Angular Vein

R Cavernous Sinus

L Ophthalmic Vein

L Angular Vein

R Eye Veins

R Ophthalmic Vein

R Superior Thyroid Vein

L Superior Laryngeal Vein

R Basal Vein

R Superior Cerebellar Vein

L Vermian Vein

L Posterior Mesencephalic Vein

L Lateral Mesencephalic Vein

L Retrotonsillar Vein

L Lateral Brachial Vein

L Anterior Ponto Mesencephalic

R Superior Petrosal Sinus

L Occipital Vein

L Posterior Auricular Vein

L Retromandibular Vein

L Maxillary Vein

R Sigmoid Sinus

L External Jugular Vein

L Internal Jugular Vein

L Alveolar Vein

L Facial Vein

R Anterior Jugular Vein

L Anterior Jugular Vein

Veins Leg Left 

L Lat. Accessory Saphenous Vein

L Great Saphenous Vein

L Deep Femoral Vein

L Femoral Vein

L Anterior Tibial Vein

L Popliteal Vein

L Dorsal Digital Veins

L Medial Circumflex Femoral Vein

L Medial Accessory Saphenous Vein

L Lat. Circumflex Femoral Vein

L Lesser Saphenous Vein

L Posterior Tibial Vein

L Dorsal Venous Foot Arch

L Lateral Dorsal Digital Vein

Veins Leg Right 

R Lat. Accessory Saphenous Vein

R Great Saphenous Vein

R Deep Femoral Vein

R Femoral Vein

R Anterior Tibial Vein

R Popliteal Vein

R Medial Circumflex Femoral Vein

R Medial Accessory Saphenous Vein

R Lat Circumflex Femoral Vein

R Lesser Saphenous Vein

R Posterior Tibial Vein

R Dorsal Venous Foot Arch

R Lateral Dorsal Digital Vein

R Dorsal Digital Veins

Veins Lower Body Female 

R Colic Vein

R Internal Pudendal Vein

R Superior Gluteal Vein

R Internal Iliac Vein

R Common Iliac Vein

R Ovarian Vein

Anterior Cecal Vein

R External Iliac Vein

Posterior Cecal Vein

Appendicular Vein

R Obturator Vein

R Inferior Gluteal Vein

R Inferior Rectal Vein

R Middle Rectal Vein

Uterine Venous Plexus

R Vaginal Vein

R Uterine Vein

R Umbilical Vein

Vaginal Venous Plexus

L Vaginal Vein

L Umbilical Vein

L Uterine Vein

Perimuscular Rectal Plexus

L Internal Pudendal Vein

Ileocolic Vein

Inferior Mesenteric Vein

Superior Rectal Vein

L Common Iliac Vein

L Colic Vein

Sigmoid Veins

L Ovarian Vein

L Internal Iliac Vein

L External Iliac Vein

L Obturator Vein

L Superior Gluteal Vein

L Inferior Gluteal Vein

L Inferior Rectal Vein

L Middle Rectal Vein

Superior Mesenteric Vein

Veins Upper Body 

R Inferior Thyroid Vein

R Subclavian Vein

R Brachiocephalic Vein

R Hepatic Portal Vein

R Intercostal Veins

R Azygos Vein

R Vena Cava

R Renal Vein

R Ant. Sup. Pancreaticoduodenal

R Ant. Inf. Pancreaticoduodenal

R Middle Colic Vein

L Brachiocephalic Vein

L Inferior Thyroid Vein

L Intercostal Veins

L Subclavian Vein

R Hemiazygos Vein

R Gastric Vein

R Hepatic Veins

R Splenic Vein

L Renal Vein

R Great Pancreatic Vein

R Gastroepiploic Vein

By appointment only  -
Clinic , 55 Brindabella Circuit, Thornlands, QLD
Telephone/Text Anne on 0419 670 312 - OR BOOK ONLINE HERE

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